Leverhulme Trust;
Nuffield Foundation;
Sainsbury family;
Vivien Duffield Foundation
促成员 enabling staff 109-119
促销 promotion 88-91
重叠市场 overlapping markets 85-86
大曼彻斯特科学与工业博物馆 Greater Manchester Museum of Science and Industry 11,83-84;
也见:大曼彻斯特科学与工业博物馆展区 see also Xperiment!
大谢菲尔德探索馆 Great Sheffield Exploratory 69
大英铁路博物馆,约克郡 National Railway Museum,York 101
丹佛儿童博物馆 Denver Children's Museum 5,29,44,87
当前市场 current market 10-12